GCAP’s Ammonia Safety Day is June 14, 2018. Save the date, enroll 3 participants and get 2 free. Early enrollment is available. This will be the largest safety day to year and celebrating the 10-annual event and anticipated over 400 attendees and 40 vendors. Thank you for your support in the past and look forward to the continued relationship in 2018. Sponsorship and booth space are still available as well.
10th Annual GCAP Safety Day in Kansas City KS Agenda
Guest Speaker Natalie Vanliew will present on “The New RMP – Are you ready for 2019?”
![]() Ms. VanLiew serves as a Managing Consultant in Trinity’s Kansas City office and national expert in the Process Safety Management (PSM) and Risk Management Program (RMP) regulations. She has held environmental compliance responsibilities since 1998 in the consulting, regulatory, and manufacturing arenas. Ms. VanLiew is the National Instructor for Trinity’s Understanding and Application of RMP/PSM Requirements course, and a trained PHA leader in the HAZOP and What-If/Checklist methodologies. She earned a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Northwestern University and is a licensed Professional Engineer in Missouri and Kansas.
Guest Speaker Jeremy Williams will present on “What do you know about NH3?”
![]() Mr. Williams has dedicated his career to the enhancement and advancement of training for anyone in the fields of ammonia refrigeration, process safety management, and steam boilers. He is author of several books on industrial refrigeration am process safety that are used sole by GCAP. Jeremy manages day to day activities for GCAP, instructors, websites, and social media avenues for the school as well as instruct all courses offered through the technical school.
Guest Speaker Matt Thurlby will present on “OSHA PSM inspections and what you can expect the first 8 hours”
![]() Matt is safety and health manager for Region 7 officer for OSHA out of the Omaha Nebraska location and was a guest speaker in 2016 safety day. Matt received 5 Star rating in the evaluations and we are excited to have him back for the 10th annual event. OSHA requires employers to provide a workplace that is free of serious recognized hazards and in compliance with OSHA standards.
Guest Speaker Richard Suter will present on “Identify, Evaluate, and Controll – The PHA”
![]() Mr. Suter received his Chemical Engineering degree from Purdue University in 1990 and have been part of process safety from the aspect of an end user, engineer, consultant and owner of his own company today.
Guest Speaker Jodi Harper will present on “EPA’s 2018 Update”
![]() Jodi has 10 years of experience working for the EPA region 7 and an expert in Clean Air Act (CAA) section 112(r), the Risk Management Program and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). Conducts training, compliance assistance, and in-depth technical review of risk management program elements, including process safety information, process hazard analysis, operating procedures, maintenance/mechanical integrity programs, emergency response plans, and recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices (RAGAGEP.) Work closely with major industry sectors in region, including agricultural/farm services, ethanol production, anhydrous ammonia manufacturing, and ammonia refrigeration industry.