Some Great Classes This Summer
We have been extremely busy this summer at GCAP and looking forward to the fall season. Thank you all for your continued support and making GCAP what we are today.
We have been extremely busy this summer at GCAP and looking forward to the fall season. Thank you all for your continued support and making GCAP what we are today.
GCAP has several different projects and expansions taking place in 2016. We are still expanding the new engine room for technician one. A new boiler lab is being built with three new boilers which two are watertube. And now our new convention center that will showcase all the new manufactures Read more
This last weekend GCAP’s Racing Team debut some new cars at the big outlaw race in Amarillo Texas. For the first time at the track, these cars have some great potential. Check out our facebook page “ Garden City Ammonia Program – GCAP Racing Team” Our team is Randy Williams, Read more
This last week GCAP has completed their fifth ever All Ammonia Operator I in Spanish. Miguel Beremudez led the class and we had 100% pass rate.
Ammonia Safety Day 8th Annual Region 7 Ammonia Safety Day Don’t miss this years 8th annual ammonia safety day. If you from Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, or Arkansas come join us for a great chance of education and building relationships within the industry. If you been before, come back Read more
Dates Availables: November 28 – December 1, 2016 January 10 – 13, 2017 March 20 – 23, 2017 May 8 – 11, 2017 The only true technician course in the industry. Commissioning and decommissioning a 11 screw multi-pressure two stage system, 5 different pressures, and over 25 different loads. Must Read more
Been very busy around the school and also with on-sites. Here are some recent pics.
Looky, Looky what arrived and was set today. Last but, not least these two new 2016 Twin Screw Boosters will complete the 11 screw engine room for “Technician One” only available through GCAP.
GCAP is proud to announce available course dates for ammonia operator 1 Spanish classes. Book is in Spanish and lectures will be given in Spanish. Spanish Ammonia Operator I Upcoming Schedule of Events for Spanish Ammonia Operator I: Five Day Courses June 6 – 10, 2016 SPANISH (Monday-Friday) @ GCAP Read more